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Facial Surgeries

Transform your face with our facial surgeries.

Face Lift

Face Lift Surgery In Barrie, Ontario  

Face Lift

As people age, the skin and tissue lose their natural elasticity and begin to sag and wrinkle on the face


What is a Face Lift?

A Facelift, or Rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as:

Relaxation of the skin of the face causing sagging

→ Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth

→ The fat that has fallen or has disappeared

→ Jowls

→ Loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck”

The loss of youthful contours in the face can be due to a variety of factors, including thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress.

Other procedures that might be performed in conjunction with a facelift are a brow lift and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes. Fat transfer or fillers may be suggested to replace the lost fatty volume. Skin treatments such as IPL, dermabrasion, peels or laser may be offered to improve the quality and texture of the skin.

Benefits of a Facelift

1. Reduce Signs of Aging
2. Invisible Surgical Scars
3. Natural Looking Results
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Patients will need to have realistic expectations for their results. As a restorative surgery, a facelift cannot change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the aging process. A facelift can only be performed surgically; non-surgical rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results but may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate and can complement the results of surgery. Some nonsurgical treatments, such as stem cell facelifts, are of unproven benefit.
Meet Dr. Tumi
Anyone who has sagging skin on the face, neck, and/or jawline is a good candidate for a facelift. Candidates should also be in good health and be non-smokers. The best age for a facelift depends; most candidates are 40 plus years old. Typically, people in their mid-40s see the best results. Come in for a consultation and we can determine whether you’re a good candidate.

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Facelift Before & After

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Neck Lift

Neck Lift Surgery In Barrie, Ontario

Neck Lift

The skin on the neck can begin to sag after losing its elasticity and ability to stretch and stay tight.


What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is the cosmetic process of reducing excessive neck skin as a result of aging or weight loss, genetics, etc. It is usually a part of the lower facelift, which means tightening the skin of the neck and jowls.

Problem – Excessive fat deposition

Liposuction or submental fat dissection

→ Skin excision – tightening using short scar technique; behind the ear

→ Platysma band – sub mental incision and band resection or tightness

→ Combined problems need combined approaches

→ Loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck”

The loss of youthful contours in the face can be due to a variety of factors, including thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress. Other procedures that might be performed in conjunction with a facelift are a brow lift and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes. Fat transfer or fillers may be suggested to replace the lost fatty volume. Skin treatments such as IPL, dermabrasion, peels or laser may be offered to improve the quality and texture of the skin.      

Benefits of a Neck Lift

1. Smooths skin
2. Creates a youthful appearance
3. Short Recovery Time
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Lateral approach through the preauricular incision.

→ Central approach for platysmal band correction and direct fat excision. Most of the time, both approach in moderate to severe neck laxity.

→ Liposuction of the submental fat pad.

→ Surgery could only be one of the above techniques or all of them. It depends on the severity.

Post Operative Management

How to Improve Your Results

To help you get the best results for your procedure, you must have realistic expectations, follow the instructions given to you during your pre-op consultation and report any infection or other issues after your surgery.
While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation.

Meet Dr. Tumi
Anyone who has signs of aging on the neck including sagging, drooping and wrinkles may be a good candidate for a neck lift. People who have lost significant weight may also be an ideal candidate. Candidates must be in optimal health to undergo a neck lift. The best way to find out is to book a consultation with Dr. Tumi for a personalized assessment.

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Neck Lift Before & After

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Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery In Barrie, Ontario  

Eyelid Surgery

Improve the appearance of your eyes and the skin surrounding them with eyelid surgery!


What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty, repairs droopy, sagging eyelids by removing excess skin. Some people have eyelid surgery to correct problems that are a result of ageing, while others have inherited traits such as bags under their eyes that cause them to seek treatment at a younger age.

If the upper eyelid condition is accompanied by sagging of the eyebrows, then a forehead (brow) lift may be recommended. Smoothing of crow’s feet may require Botox, chemical peeling or laser resurfacing procedures. Circles beneath the eyes caused by dark pigmentation may be treated with a bleaching solution or chemical peel. Alternatively, sinking around the bony orbit below the eye can be addressed with fat grafting or a mid-facelift.

Dr. Tumi performs this procedure in our new office which is very cost-effective. It is done under a local anesthetic, which is convenient for the client and recovery is much easier than going under a general anesthetic.  The results are amazing!

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

1. Brightens face
2. Hidden Scars
3. Short Recovery Time
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Eyelid Surgery Technique

There are two different approaches to lower lid surgery. One uses an external incision and the other is performed from inside the lower lid. Your age and the extent of the fatty deposits you have will determine which approach is preferred. The incision is hidden within the natural fold of the upper eyelid for upper eyelid surgery and it is through this incision that excess skin and fat are removed. Because the incision follows the natural contour of the upper eyelid, it will be well camouflaged when it has healed.

For lower lid surgery the incision is usually hidden below the lower lashes. Through this incision, excess skin, muscle and fat are removed. Fat may also be redistributed to improve puffiness or bulges. Other adjustments such as canthopexy (eyelid tightening) may be done to correct special problems such as muscle laxity.
You and Dr. Tumi may decide that the best approach for removing excess fat is a technique that needs no external incision. This procedure is called trans-conjunctival lower blepharoplasty. While it is a good approach for younger patients, it cannot be used to remove excess skin so a laser may be used in conjunction with this method to tighten the skin under the eyes.
After your surgery, you may have a feeling of dryness or irritation in the eye. This may require treatment. There is also a chance of a temporary reduction in eyelid sensation or impaired eyelid function. Impaired lid function may be treated with additional surgery. Mild swelling persists for several weeks in some cases while others see swelling resolve in just seven days. Bruising dissipates for most people in seven to ten days and you may use makeup within the first week to hide discoloration. You may find your eyes are temporarily sensitive to light. You may also experience some excess tearing or dryness. Your plastic surgeon may recommend eye drops to relieve burning or itching. You may want to wear dark sunglasses for a couple of weeks to protect your eyes from the wind and sun. The incision lines will fade over several months until they become barely visible.

Meet Dr. Tumi
High blood pressure, thyroid problems, or diabetes are some of the conditions that can increase the risks during eyelid surgery. Your plastic surgeon will ask if you have allergies or if you have been told that you have “dry eye” or any other eye problems. The best way to find out is to book a consultation with Dr. Tumi.

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Eyelid surgery Before & After

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Facial Fat Grafting

Facial Fat Grafting in Barrie, Ontario


Facial Fat Grafting

Smoothen your face with facial fat grafting.


What is Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial fat grafting, also known as mico fat transplantation, is a minimally invasive injection procedure that rejuvenates the face by transferring fat from the patient’s fat cells in other areas of the body. The transferred fat cells fill in wrinkles and depressions in the face and can even fill hollows around the eyes, temples, and cheeks.

Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting

1. Enhance Shallow Contours
2. Soften Facial Features
3. Removes Wrinkles
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Facial Fat Grafting Technique

Your plastic surgeon will choose a “donor area”, typically the abdomen or buttocks, to extract the fat from. He or she will use a small needle to harvest the fat. The fat graft is prepared by centrifugation and separation of the fat cells and the stem cells from the blood serum and local anesthesia. The grafted fat is ready to be transferred once it has redeveloped a blood supply. About 50% of the injected fat will survive. The injection usually only takes a few moments per site and depending on the number of areas treated, the whole process could take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. The injection will not be painless and your plastic surgeon will use a cold instrument or administer local anesthesia to ease the pain.

It will take anywhere from 10 – 21 days to recover from facial fat grafting. You can continue most of your normal activities the day of your procedure, however, you should avoid intense physical activity for the first 24 – 48 hours.

Meet Dr. Tumi

Most patients do not experience severe complications from facial fat grafting. Some of the minimal risks involved with the procedure include bruising, bleeding from the injection site, swelling and skin redness.  

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Facial Fat Grafting Before & After

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Chin Augmentation and Liposuction

Chin augmentation in Barrie, Ontario  

Chin Augmentation and Liposuction

Get rid of your double chin and sharpen your jawline with chin augmentation surgery.


What is Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation, also known as a chin job, genioplasty, or a chin implant, is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes the chin and jawline. The goal of the procedure is to transform the facial features to produce a more defined, strong and symmetrical face.

Chin Augmentation Benefits

1. Improve Facial Harmony
2. Enhance Symmetry
3. Natural Looking Results
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Chin Augmentation Technique

To add width and proportion to the jawline, your plastic surgeon may insert a silicone device or inject filler into the face. There are many ways to perform this procedure. Some of the methods include moving the chin forward or backward, and/or making the chin longer or shorter. Before your surgical chin augmentation procedure, Dr. Tumi will sculpt the implant according to the size of your face. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will implant a plastic or metal material into the chin and adhere it to the bone. After the incision is closed, compression tape will be put on the outside of your mouth and chin to protect the area while healing. The surgery will take anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours.

In a non-surgical chin augmentation procedure, a plastic surgeon will inject the chin with fillers or the patient’s body fat. In some cases, a plastic surgeon will also liposuction the area to enhance the effects of the chin augmentation.

After the surgery, most plastic surgeons recommend a liquid or soft-food diet. You can remove your wound dressings and compression tape and return to your daily routine after three to five days. You may experience swelling, redness, or bruising following the surgery which should subside in a few days. Heavy exercise is not recommended in the first 10 days following your surgery.

Meet Dr. Tumi
Most patients do not experience severe complications following the procedure. Some of the possible complications involved with chin augmentation include infection, allergic reaction to the implant, extrusion of the implant, or exposure of the screws.
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Chin Augmentation Before and After

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Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair in Barrie, Ontario

Earlobe Repair

Fix the shape and length of the ears with earlobe repair surgery.

What is Earlobe Repair?

Earlobe surgery, or otoplasty, is a surgical procedure meant to improve the shape, position, and length of the earlobes. The procedure can be used to correct misshapen earlobes from an injury, or stretched earlobes from piercings.

Earlobe Repair Benefits

1. Restores Natural Shape
2. Reduce Earlobe Size
3. Repairs Torn Earlobers
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Earlobe Repair Technique

The ear repair surgery is generally performed with local anesthesia. It is considered a minor procedure that should take around 15 minutes per ear, 30 minutes in total. During earlobe repair, your plastic surgeon will incise the edges of the torn or split earlobes to create two fresh edges that will be stitched together. During earlobe reduction, a wedge sized piece of the earlobe will be removed and the new edges will be stitched together.

You will be able to resume your normal activities the day of your earlobe repair surgery. Mild pain can be treated with over the counter pain medication. You will need to see Dr. Tumi after a week to have your stitches removed.

Is This Right For Me?
Most patients do not experience severe complications from earlobe repair surgery. Some possible minor complications that may occur include infection, keloid formation, and poor scar healing.
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Earlobe Repair Before and After

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Brow Lift

Brow Lift Procedures In Barrie, Ontario

Brow Lift

A brow lift will improve the appearance of your forehead by raising the skin around your eyes.


What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a procedure that raises the eyebrows and tightens the skin around the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. Overhanging skin in the upper eyelids can be addressed in two ways: an upper eyelid lift or a brow (forehead) lift. While in the past surgeons often chose to automatically perform an upper eyelid lift to correct sagging of the upper lid, a brow lift is often used today to create the same result. A brow lift can be performed alone or it may be performed at the same time as a facelift to remove excess skin and tighten muscles in the middle and lower face. Dr. Tumi will explain the benefits of both eyelid surgery and brow lift as each procedure applies to you.

Benefits of a Brow Lift

1. Enhance Shallow Contours
2. Soften Facial Features
3. Remove Wrinkles
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Brow Lift Technique

The surgical technique that your plastic surgeon recommends will depend on factors such as the position of your eyebrows, the amount of excess upper eyelid skin you have and the height of your hairline (the height of your hairline can be altered a little after surgery).

Often, an incision is made across the top of the scalp, beginning above the ears and hidden in the hair. Sometimes, the incision may be placed in front of the hairline. The incision is designed to be inconspicuous once healed. Through these incisions, your plastic surgeon can modify or remove parts of the muscles that cause frown lines, remove excess skin, and lift your eyebrows to a more youthful level.

Another forehead lift technique uses an endoscope. This is a long, thin tube with a light on the end, attached to a video camera. The endoscope is inserted through a few tiny incisions in the scalp. It allows your plastic surgeon to see and work on the inside structure of the forehead. The endoscopic technique has the advantage of requiring minimal incisions, but it may not be appropriate for all patients.

If your main concern is frown lines between your eyebrows, a limited endoscopic procedure can be performed to correct these problems. If you are having upper eyelid surgery performed, it may also be possible to treat frown lines by way of the incisions that are made in the upper eyelid.

While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation. Swelling and bruising are usually gone within two weeks. You may use camouflage makeup almost immediately. You will have an accurate idea of how you will look within a few weeks.
Meet Dr. Tumi
Sometimes, patients may focus their attention on excess skin in the upper eyelids and not realize that it is their sagging eyebrows that are the cause of the problem. Older adults who have sagging skin around their forehead may be a candidate for a brow lift. Younger adults who have a naturally low brow, or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or muscle overactivity, may also benefit from a brow lift.

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Brow Lift Before & After

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Rhinoplasty – Aesthetic

Aesthetic Rhinoplasty in Barrie, Ontario


Reshape your nose with an aesthetic rhinoplasty!    

What is an Aesthetic Rhinoplasty?

An aesthetic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the appearance of the nose. It is also referred to as reshaping the nose or a nose job. Surgery on the nose is also done to correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities in the nose.The shape of your nose is usually a result of heredity; the appearance may have been altered in an injury or during prior to surgery.

The size of the nose; symmetrical with the face

→The nose width at the bridge

→ The nasal tip; large or bulbous, drooping or too upturned

→ The nose profile; visible humps or depressions on the bridge

→ Nostrils are too large, wide or upturned

→ Nostrils are too large, wide or upturned

→ Nasal asymmetry and deviation

Rhinoplasty is a personal choice that you should do for yourself, not for anyone else.

Benefits of an Aesthetic Rhinoplasty

1. Restructures Nose
2. Boosts Self Confidence
3. Can Improve Breathing
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Rhinoplasty is a Good Option For You If

Rhinoplasty is a good option for you if your face has stopped growing and you are 16 years old or older. You are also physically healthy, don’t smoke and have realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your looks.
After the procedure is completed, a splint, internal tubes or packing will likely be placed inside your nose and a splint or bandages placed on the outside to support and protect the new structures during the healing process. You will be given instructions to follow during your recovery from the rhinoplasty. These instructions will include how to care for the surgical site, medications and when to follow up.

Ask Us Anything!
While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation. It is very important to speak to your plastic surgeon about any important questions about your procedure. It is normal to feel anxiety, don’t be shy to express these feelings with your surgeon.
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Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Before & After

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Rhinoplasty – Post-Traumatic

Aesthetic Rhinoplasty in Barrie, Ontario

Rhinoplasty – Post-Traumatic

A post-traumatic rhinoplasty will restore the structure and appearance of the nose after an accident.

What is a Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty?

A post-traumatic rhinoplasty is a surgery that will address broken and fractured bones in the nose as the result of a traumatic injury to the nose or a blow to the face. Sometimes breathing problems related to the internal nasal structures can be corrected at the same time as nose reshaping. It is important to have a clear idea of how you would like your nose to look as well as know there are some limitations to aesthetic nasal surgery.

In evaluating you for a rhinoplasty, your plastic surgeon will examine your nose both internally and externally. Skin quality as well as the size and shape of your nose must be carefully studied. Sometimes, chin augmentation may be suggested so that a more harmonious facial balance can be achieved.

Benefits of a Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

1. Enhance Shallow Contours
2. Improves Breathing
3. Hidden Incisions
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Rhinoplasty Technique

With rhinoplasty, work is done on the cartilage and bone that form the structure of your nose. Certain bones may need to be altered in order to make your nose look narrower and straighter.

If your nose needs to be augmented, this can be accomplished using cartilage from your nose or cartilage from another part of the body. The skin and soft tissues will reposition themselves over the new form of your nose. In most cases, incisions will be placed inside your nose so they will not be visible. If the base of the nose is narrowed or the nostrils reduced, small pieces of skin below the nostrils will be removed. When external incisions are recommended they are placed in well hidden areas like the crease where the nose and cheek join or where the nose and the lip join.
While there is no upper age limit for having a rhinoplasty, patients may be advised to wait until they are 16 (when the nose is fully developed) before considering undergoing rhinoplasty. Your plastic surgeon may ask whether you have difficulty breathing through your nose, suffer from allergies or use nasal spray excessively.

Is This Right For Me?
While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation. It is very important to speak to your plastic surgeon about any important questions about your procedure. It is normal to feel anxiety, don’t be shy to express these feelings with your surgeon. After the procedure is completed, a splint, internal tubes or packing will likely be placed inside your nose and a splint or bandages placed on the outside to support and protect the new structures during the healing process. You will be given instructions to follow during your recovery from the rhinoplasty. These instructions will include how to care for the surgical site, medications and when to follow up.

Meet Dr. Tumi
Skin numbness after rhinoplasty may occur but is usually temporary. Occasionally, extra surgery may be necessary to refine the result. Bruising is mostly gone after a week and you can use concealing makeup if you wish. Swelling, however, can last a number of weeks or months though residual swelling usually affects just the nasal tip.

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Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty Before & After

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Skin Cancer Removal

Skin Cancer Removal in Barrie

Skin Cancer Removal

More than one in four fair-skinned Canadians will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Dr. Tumi offers supportive and thorough skin cancer removal.


Weight gain

Skin Cancer Removal

Plastic surgeons are involved in removing a large share of skin cancers as most of them occur on the “sunbelt” of the face which includes the nose, cheeks, temples and ears. Almost all skin cancers are caused by sunburns. Aging Canadians should be even more weary of burns as the damage caused by ultraviolet light is not as well reversed by DNA repair enzymes as you age. In other words, the older you are when you get a sunburn, the more likely you are to get skin cancer from the sunburn.

The longer you wait to have skin cancer removed, the bigger it grows, and the more complicated the reconstruction becomes in order to make the patient look as close to normal as possible. This is why it’s best to be treated early while it’s still small.

Basal Cell Skin Cancer

Basal cell skin cancer is the most common kind of skin cancer.

It is usually a smooth pink or red, flat or lumpy area. Basal skin cancer does not go away but gradually gets larger and larger. These cancers generally do not know how to spread elsewhere (metastasize). They therefore do not generally get into the blood, and do not spread to the lungs, liver or brain as do many cancers such as breast or bowel cancer. Basal cell skin cancer generally isn’t fatal unless you refuse to address it and it continues to grow. The cure rate with removing these surgically is over 95%. Those who are not cured simply have not had all of the cancer cells removed and will require additional surgery to remove leftover cancer.

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

Squamous cell skin cancer is very much the same as basal cell skin cancer in appearance, except the red areas tend to have hard rough spots on them and bleed more easily.

Squamous cell skin cancers also have a slightly higher risk of metastasizing than basal cell skin cancers. However, the risk of metastasis and death is usually less than 5% if the squamous cell skin cancer is in a sun-induced area (i.e. not on the genitals, inside the mouth, or in the anal areas). Squamous cell skin cancers on the hands, the lips and ears do have a higher risk of metastasis than sun-induced squamous cell skin cancers on the rest of the face and body..
Malignant melanoma occurs in 1% of fair-skinned Canadians. This kind of cancer can metastasize and therefore result in death. However, if you catch it early on and have it removed, the survival rate is high. The survival rate of removing malignant melanoma surgically is over 95%. There are three symptoms that make melanoma obvious, as this is not a subtle skin cancer in most instances: Melanoma is usually black or has black in it and arises from moles. →Melanoma tends to grow quickly and will often double in size over weeks. → Melanoma tends to have an unusual or irregular shape as opposed to benign moles which are usually round or oval. If you have a thin melanoma (less than 1mm thick) your plastic surgeon will usually recommend a 1cm excision of normal-looking skin around the tumour followed by no further treatment. If you have an intermediate thickness melanoma (1-4mm thick) you will usually have 2cm of normal-looking skin removed from either side of the tumour followed by a sentinel (first relay) lymph node dissection.

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Benefits of Skin Cancer Removal

1. High Cure Rate
2. Short Recovery Period
3. Can Save Lives
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Skin Cancer Removal Before & After

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